Local decision making

Local decision making and community engagement are key principles of the Our Community. Our Future. Our Homes. remote housing investment package. They give communities meaningful input into how the program is delivered.

Communities have control over decisions about:

  • what work will happen (housing solutions for the community, scope and design)
  • when work takes place
  • where work happens
  • how it happens (speed of the program, transitional housing, employment and training opportunities).

Local decision making groups are different in each community and can include local authorities, housing reference groups, Aboriginal corporation boards, and traditional governance groups. Community residents advise the program’s engagement team about which local decision making group should be consulted about the program.

Community groups and decision makers are supported to use their own governance systems to consult and make informed decisions. Trained Aboriginal interpreters are used during all stages of engagement.

The Our Community. Our Future. Our Homes. program approach to local decision making is guided by the principles of the Northern Territory Government’s local decision making policy and Remote Engagement Coordination Strategy.

The Northern Territory’s four land councils are involved in decisions about broad policy and strategy, and provide a monitoring role.

Read more about local decision making.

Read about the program’s progress.